woman with smooth skin

Botox Cosmetic toronto

Many lines, wrinkles and signs of facial aging are caused by repeated action of muscles that contract during facial expressions such as frowning or squinting. BOTOX Cosmetic is an injectable substance that will temporarily relax the muscles it is injected into, allowing the overlying line or wrinkle in your skin to soften or even disappear. There is no downtime, and the procedure is safe, reliable and reverses in three to four months. There is no lasting effect. Once your results wear off, you’ll look exactly how you did before you got the treatment done.

Botox is an FDA and Health Canada-approved solution that continues to be one of the most popular treatments for anti-aging in the world. At Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic, you can receive a rejuvenating Botox treatment for successfully diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and creases, the most prominent of aging signs.

As one of the most researched drugs in the world Botox has been researched countless times to prove its safety and effectiveness at successfully smoothing away wrinkles and facials lines. It does this by addressing the cause at the source, which is the facial muscles. Botox Toronto is effective at treating the main causes of facial wrinkles: overactive muscles. It is known to be a great option for treating skin because it does more to help the skin rather than only treat superficial, surface concerns.

Targets the Facial Muscles: Botox To Prevent Wrinkles

Wrinkles and fine lines don’t just form on your face due to skin laxity. What also causes wrinkles to appear on your face is the repetition of contracting facial muscles. By simply squinting your eyes, you can notice the lines that form on the bridge of your nose and around your eyes. When you frown, you may also see deep creases running horizontally across your forehead. The muscles on your face are what shift skin from its relaxed, smooth positioning over time. Overtime, facial muscle movement and natural aging cause the appearance of wrinkles and permanent creases to form.

Botox is composed of a tiny amount of Botulinum toxin (yes, it is technically a toxin!). Botulinum toxin has been used for decades in medicine. It’s commonly praised for having a therapeutic effect on several serious medical conditions, including spasticity and urinary incontinence.

In aesthetic medicine, Botox is designed to specifically help prevent nerves from relaying signals to the muscles that contract. These muscles, in result, are temporarily paralyzed. As botulinum occupies your muscles, Botox can then work to allow these constricted muscles to relax.

Botox Benefits

This effective anti-aging treatment is proven successful at targeting and reversing common facial wrinkles that naturally form over time. The results provided by treatments are instantly noticeable. Since treatments are only minimally-invasive through a small injection, there is no necessary downtime required. Botox is a simple treatment for instant age-erasing results.

If at all you find yourself worrying about crow’s feet, wrinkles and fine lines, there’s no need to worry anymore. With constant treatment you will find a way to reverse the hands of time revealing great, youthful skin that you’ll love.

If you are ready to say goodbye to the appearance of facial lines and aging concerns, Botox could benefit you. This safe and easy treatment can have you looking and feeling younger by smoothing away facial lines. If you are interested in learning more about this effective treatment, reach out to us here at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic to learn more about getting a Botox treatment in Toronto. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!

A Complete approach to facial rejuvenation

While Botox is great at erasing dynamic wrinkles on its own, it is often combined with fillers and other cosmetic procedures for a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation. Dr. Kesarwani can help you decide the best course of action for you so that you can turn back the signs of looking tired or older.

dr priya kesarwani

The First Step

A personal consultation with Dr. Priya Kesarwani is the first step toward realizing your goals in eliminating wrinkles. This private medical appointment is with Dr. Kesarwani. She will take the time necessary to answer your questions and explain how this procedure can fulfill your aesthetic goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Kesarwani will review your medical history. She'll also show you before and after Botox photos from patients she has performed the procedure on previously.

How Can Botox Help Reduce Jaw Tension and Headaches: Botox For Migraines Toronto

While many people still think of Botox as a primarily cosmetic treatment, the wide number of uses for the injections continues to grow as medical science discovers that full potential of this neurotoxin–derived chemical. Some are skeptical that is can be used in healthy ways but the chemical is quite safe in controlled doses with injected by a trained professional.

Predominantly used to treat patients with neuromuscular conditions, Botox is approved by the FDA and Health Canada for treatment of:

  • Cervical dystonia – also known as spasmodic torticollis this condition causes head tilting, neck pain, and neck muscle spasms;
  • Blepharospasm or abnormal eyelid spasms or twitching;
  • Strabismus or crossed eyes;
  • Severe underarm sweating that cannot be resolved with topical treatments;
  • Muscle stiffness in the elbow, wrist, and finger muscles caused by upper limp spasticity; and
  • Headaches associated with chronic migraines.

The pain and headaches caused by jaw clenching or tension can put a major damper on your day-to-day life and those struggling with these problems may be happy to learn that one of the newest advances in medicine may finally provide some relief. Botox injections can be used to treat these conditions by relaxing the jaw muscles and preventing the tensing and grinding that causes pain, discomfort, and potential damage to your teeth.

Since 2011 Botox has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of migraines and facial pain.

Botox has been like a miracle for many of our patients – everyone who tries it, likes it.

How does it help?

Derived from the neurotoxin botulinum toxin type A, Botox is injected into a patient’s skin in small doses and functions as a muscle softener. It not only relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles but also releases tension in the muscles that cause TMJ disorders by decreasing the strength and clenching power in the jaw. This can help relieve the pressure and pain associated with TMJ by soothing the tense jaw muscles.

The Botox Procedure for Headaches and Jaw Pain

A small amount of Botox – around 25-35 units is injected around the jaw line, targeting the muscles that are activated when clenching your jaw. As the muscles relax, the tension decreases and the pain from grinding or tensing the jaw is minimized. The procedure can be completed in a matter of minutes and results last up to six months.

As a an additional benefit relaxing these muscles may rejuvenate the appearance of an overly prominent jawline by softening the muscles, giving you a softer, more feminine appearance.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment Toronto: Hyperhidrosis Treated By Botox

You sweat, even when you’re not physically active. No matter how much antiperspirant you use, you still find massive sweat stains on your shirt and are embarrassed about your sweaty palms.

Across North America, it is believed that 2-3% of us are familiar with sweating excessively. Some may think that this is not a big deal, but for those who have hyperhidrosis, it is embarrassing. Hyperhidrosis can contribute to increased body odor and an appearance of being unhygienic, as it is localized to the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the armpits. Because it is not a well known condition, many cannot sympathize with sufferers.

Most sufferers of hyperhidrosis experience a production of excess sweat in the armpit area and on the palms of the hands. After being clinically diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, sufferers may choose to treat their condition surgically or non-surgically. Surgically, the skin producing the excess sweat can be removed, or certain nerves are destroyed (Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathectomy).

However, many sufferers have chosen to avoid the dangers of a surgical procedure by treating their hyperpidrosis non-surgically, using Botox.

Botox for Underarm Sweat

Botox was approved to treat hyperhidrosis in the area of the armpits by Health Canada in 2001. Though effects are temporary, typically lasting for 6-8 months or more, treatment is relatively fast and is associated with few side effects that are considered temporary. In a single treatment taking about 20-30 minutes, sufferers can experience a remarkable reduction (more than 80%) in the amount of sweat produced in the armpit area. Little or no discomfort is felt due to the use of a localized anesthetic.

Botox for Sweaty Hands

To minimize the sweating on the hands, Botox is injected directly into the area of the palms where excessive sweating occurs. Once injected, Botox blocks the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. With those signals blocked, the sweat glands are unable to produce excessive sweat.


Enhancing Your Smile

Botox Lip Flip

Unlike traditional lip fillers, a Botox Lip Flip involves strategically injecting Botox into the orbicularis oris muscles around the mouth. This muscle controls our complex lip movements. When administered, Botox relaxes the upper lip muscles, causing the lip to flip upwards and outwards, revealing more of the pink area of the lip. Generally, all you need is 4-8 units to achieve a more subtle eversion of the vermilion border.

Gummy Smile Botox

A gummy smile is when a person smiles, and an excessive amount of gum tissue is exposed, often making teeth appear shorter or smaller. This can sometimes make individuals self-conscious about their smiles.

Botox for gummy smiles relaxes the muscles in the upper lip, reducing its elevation when smiling. Thus, less gum tissue is exposed, and a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile is created. It's a noninvasive treatment that offers quick results.

A Little Bit About the History of Botox

Many people know of Botox as an effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles between the brows and help millions of people look years younger. However, Botox has a long history and has been researched for its ability to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. Since the botulinum toxin was first discovered in 1895, researchers have studied it and approved it for many uses – not only as a cosmetic treatment but as a prescription drug.

Botox, also known as OnabotulinumtoxinA, contains small, purified amounts of botulinum toxin protein. When injected in the muscles, it reduces glandular activity and muscle contractions. This makes Botox an excellent treatment for muscle conditions.

Botox through the Years

Although it was discovered in the late 19th century, the first Botox breakthrough didn’t come about until the 1950s. A researcher discovered that when Botox was injected in an overactive muscle, activity reduced. This created interest in Botox for therapeutic purposes.

In the late 1960s, animal studies showed that Botox may also be an effective treatment for crossed eyes, a condition known as strabismus. This was discovered when a researcher injected Botox into a monkey’s eye muscles and its eyes became uncrossed. At that time, the only treatment for strabismus was surgery.

From this point until the 1980s, researchers began to develop Botox for human use. It was called Oculinum. In 1989, Oculinum was changed to Botox and acquired by Allergan. At this time, Botox’s uses were becoming more well-known, leading to FDA approvals.

FDA Approvals

Botox received FDA approval in the United States in 1989 to treat eye muscle problems. In 2000, it received approval as a drug to treat cervical dystonia. In 2002, it received approval as a cosmetic to remove wrinkles. In 2004, Botox gained approval to treat excessive underarm sweating. In 2010, it was granted approval to treat muscle stiffness in the finger, wrist and elbows. In that same year, Botox was granted FDA approval to treat chronic migraines.

Botox Today

Today, Botox is used in 80 countries for 21 different uses. Its versatility continues to be explored by researchers and physicians. It is a widely researched medicine, having been featured in 2,100 scientific and medical journals.


Frequently Asked Questions About Botox FAQs

What is Botox?

Botox is a purified protein. It is derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It temporarily paralyzes muscles to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

How does it work?

Botox blocks the nerve signals that are sent to the muscles where it is injected, preventing the muscles from contracting. This, in turn, helps to smooth out wrinkles and lines.

Is Botox safe?

Yes, if your treatment is performed by a qualified and experienced medical professional like Dr. Kesarwani.

Where can Botox be injected?

Common areas treated with Botox include forehead lines, crow's feet around the eyes, frown lines between the eyebrows, and sometimes lines around the mouth and neck.

How long does a Botox treatment take?

A typical Botox treatment session lasts about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated.

When will I see results?

Results usually start to appear within a couple of days to a week, with full effects visible within two weeks.

How long do Botox results last?

Botox results typically last about 4 months. Regular touchups are recommended to sustain the results.

Are there any side effects of Botox?

Common side effects may include minor redness, swelling, bruising, or discomfort at the injection site. Rarely, some people may experience headaches, drooping eyelids, or asymmetry in facial features.

Does the Botox injection hurt?

The injection is often described as a small pinch. A topical anesthetic (numbing cream) or ice can be applied to the area before treatment.

Can Botox lift breasts?

Some women have found that Botox can effectively lift their breasts. This is an off-label use that can only achieve minimal improvement for women with smaller breasts. For more effective lifting of the breasts, surgery is a better option.

Botox Vs Dysport: What's the difference?

Botox and Dysport are both injectable neurotoxins (botulinum toxin type A) used for cosmetic purposes to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The main differences are that Dysport is more diluted so may require more units. It also tends to spread out more.

Can you smoke after Botox?

It's generally advised to avoid smoking for a few hours after your treatment, and even for longer if you can. Smoking may interfere with your body's healing process and blood circulation, affecting how well the Botox settles. Smoking also constricts the blood vessels, which has been found to increase the risk of bruising in the treated area.

mother and daughter after Botox

How Many Units Are In A Vial Of Botox?

Botox Cosmetic vials come in two sizes. One contains 50 units, while the other more popular size contains 100.

Botox for eyelid lift

Botox for eyelid lift, or a chemical brow lift or Botox brow lift, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses botulinum toxin injections to temporarily lift the eyebrows and open up the eye area.

Botox is injected into muscles around the eyebrows and forehead. Doing so relaxes the muscles that pull the eyebrows down, which allows the forehead muscles to lift the eyebrows, resulting in a more open and alert eye appearance. Treatment takes about 10 to 20 minutes.

One of the main benefits of this treatment is its ability to lift drooping eyebrows and reduce the appearance of hooded eyelids. It can also help minimize forehead wrinkles and frown lines, making the eyes appear larger and more awake. The effects usually last about 3 to 4 months, after which regular treatments are needed to maintain the results.

A Botox eyelid lift corrects mild to moderate brow drooping. It may not be suitable for those with severe ptosis or significant skin laxity. Results are temporary and more subtle than what can be achieved with surgery.

Why choose dr. PRIYA KESARWANI

Dr. Priya Kesarwani is the facial plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. As a board certified Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgeon, Dr. P. Kesarwani has specialized training in addressing diseases, disorders and aesthetic concerns involving the head and neck.

You'll speak with Dr. Priya Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. She has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. She takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!

Dr. P Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering you beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.